About The NDIS

The NDIS gives all Australians peace of mind if they, their child or loved one is born with or acquires a permanent and significant disability, they will get the support they need.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme is called the NDIS. The NDIS is a new way for people with a disability under the age of 65 to get the care and support services they require.

The scheme is for people with a permanent and significant disability which impacts on their ability to take part in everyday activities.

Supports can be across many areas including employment, early intervention, accommodation, independence, being involved in the community, and more.

The NDIS is being progressively rolled out across Australia under the management of the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) – the agency responsible for delivering the scheme.

Navigating the NDIS with My Goal

Step 1: Apply for the NDIS

To get started, contact National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) on 1800 800 110, and ask for an Access Request form, which includes questions to confirm your identity, disability and consent. Complete your NDIS application and send it to NDIA for assessment as per their instructions.

Once approved, you will receive a letter confirming the decision, your Local Area Coordinator (LAC) will then contact you to arrange a NDIS planning meeting.

Step 2: Planning Meeting

During your meeting, you will work with your LAC to create a plan to cater for your individual needs. This is an opportunity for you to discuss your current disability support services, personal goals and aspirations, and what sort of support you will need to reach these milestones.

Once complete, the NDIA will need to review this plan before approving. Your LAC should be able to advise on estimated time frames.

Once approved, your LAC will contact you to share the final plan either in person or via the post, you can also access your plan via the myplace portal on the NDIS website.

Step 3: Getting started with your plan

With a plan in place, you now need to consider who is best suited to help you access the support services you need. This can be done through direct contact with a provider, or using the assistance of a Support Coordinator if you would like further advice.

Support Coordinators can help connect you with the provider best suited and will be involved throughout your NDIS experience, assisting you to enhance your abilities to manage the plan independently and achieve set goals.

Step 4: Review and reflect

Six weeks prior to your NDIS plan ending, you will be contacted for a review, this will be to reflect on the plan’s effectiveness, analyse progress and talk about future support services to help you to continue moving forward.


The NDIS is Australia’s first national scheme for people with disability. It moves away from the previous system of providing block funding to agencies and community organisations, to give funding directly to people with a disability.

There are about 4.3 million Australians who have a disability. Within the next five years, the NDIS will provide more than $22 billion in funding a year to an estimated 500,000 Australians who have permanent and significant disability. For many people, it will be the first time they receive the disability supports and services they need. The NDIS also provides people with disability, including those not eligible for funding, with information and connections to services in their communities. This includes connections to doctors, sporting clubs, support groups, libraries and schools, as well as providing information about what support is provided by each state and territory government.

National Disability Insurance Scheme

The NDIS is designed to help people get the support they need so their skills and independence improve over time. The NDIS is not a welfare system.

The NDIS provides reasonable and necessary funding to people with a permanent and significant disability to access the support and services they need to live and enjoy their life. Every NDIS participant has an individual plan that lists their goals and funding. NDIS participants use their funding to purchase support and services to help them achieve their goals.

Eligibility requirements for the NDIS state you must:

  • Live in Australia, with Australian citizenship or a Permanent or Special Category visa
  • Be between the ages of 7 and 65
  • Have a permanent and significant disability that hinders your daily living
  • Need support now to improve future functioning

Learn more about NDIS eligibility here.

To get started, contact National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) on 1800 800 110, and ask for an Access Request form, which includes questions to confirm your identity, disability and consent. Complete your NDIS application and send it to NDIA for assessment as per their instructions.

My Goal provides a variety of NDIS supports for individuals with a disability, including Supported Independent Living, community programs, mentorships and social activities. With each of our participants, we gradually work towards increased independence using a carefully planned and tailored approach.

We work closely with each person to help them reach their personal goals with ongoing care and support. Our client goals can vary greatly from moving into their own home, to strengthening personal relationships and becoming a more active member of the local community.